Gestalt psychology, 217 |
Golfers, 110 |
Good enough performance, 184, 185 |
Gratuitous stimulation-bombardment, 144 |
Greed: |
admitting to, 68 |
author's experience, 65 |
expectations, and, 71 |
fear, and, 8589 |
getting a little more, 69 |
higher expectations, 45 |
inner voice, 9095 |
nature of, 67, 68 |
neutralizing, 107112 |
tempered, 89 |
Greenspan, Alan, 151 |
Grinders, 119 |
Gut feeling, 103 |
Hate and love, 8587 |
Head fakes, 218220 |
Hendlin, Steven J. (see Author) |
Hendlin perfectionism inventory (HPI), 172177 |
Holidays, 231 |
Home office, 128134 |
Homework, 199, 200 |
HPI, 172177 |
Hugging the emotional flatline, 94, 103 |
Hypertraders, 36 |
Impostors, 180, 181 |
Impulse management, 156 |
Indicators, 228 |
Information overload, 139143 |
Inktomi, 199, 223 |
Inner noise, 145147 |
Insecurity, 88 |
Instant information, 100, 101, 141 |
Institutional professionals, 60, 61, 77 |
Intel, 200 |
Intelligent trading stage, 224, 225 |
Interactive commentary and community sites, 138 |
Internal chatter of the mind, 114, 115 |
Internet connection, 129132 |
Intuition, 103 |
Investing style (see Trading styles) |
Investor coaching, 138, 139 |
Investor's-mind (see Long-term investing) |
ipoPros.com, 138 |
Isolation factor, 133139 |
January effect, 231 |
JDS Uniphase, 199, 206, 223, 224 |
Journals, 110, 194 |
Judging mind, 190 |
Keeping score, 7376 |
Keogh accounts, 207209 |
Knowledge, 198200 |
Knowledge management, 157 |
Lao Tze, 193, 232 |
Leaning into the future, 59, 241 |
Learned helplessness, 158, 159 |
Less than perfect performance, 183, 184 |
Let profits run, 64, 67 |
Level I data, 4 |
Level II data, 5, 79 |
Level III data, 6 |
Limit orders, 224 |
Limit setting, 104107 |
Long-term investing, 210231 |
cyclical events, 227231 |
exit levels, 212215 |
head fakes, 218220 |
price momentum investing, 220, 221 |
resistance points, 216, 217 |
support levels, 215 |
trading stages, 221227 |
Losing money, 72, 73, 242, 243 |
Love and hate, 8587 |
Lucent Technologies, 242, 243 |
Lunch stage, 225 |
Managing the inner noise, 145147 |
Managing the outer noise, 143145 |
Market maker head fakes, 218220 |
Market makers, 5, 7 |
Market psychology, 99 |
Markoff, David, 142 |
McGinn, Rich, 3 |
Media, 55 |