Day trader, 119 |
Day trading setting: |
home office, 128134 |
trading room, 57, 58, 121127 |
Daydream, 50 |
Dead money losing positions, 62 |
Defense mechanisms, 154 |
Dell, 46, 70, 200 |
Demand characteristics, 53, 125 |
Desire, 85, 88, 90 |
Diaphragmatic breathing, 163, 164 |
Direct access trading, 131 |
Discount brokers, 25, 106, 107 |
Discriminating mind, 146, 154 |
Disney, 206, 208 |
Dissonance, 63 |
Distractions, 76, 147 |
Double-edged sword, 57 |
Doubter-timid trading style, 2931, 135, 169 |
Earnings reports, 150, 229, 230 |
Eastern concepts (see Zen) |
Easy in-easy out mentality, 101 |
ECNs, 131 |
Economic indicator reports, 228 |
Economic statistics and reports, 151 |
Edge, 59 |
Educational courses, 126, 127, 139, 198 |
Ego, 63, 64, 8083 |
Ego defense mechanisms, 154 |
Either/or thinking, 85 |
Electronic direct access, 131 |
Electronic stock exchange, 10, 11 |
Embarrassment, 189 |
Emotions, 1315, 99104, 146 |
Employment report, 228 |
End of month, 230 |
End of quarter, 230 |
Environmental management, 157 |
Envy, 245251 |
Excellence, 171, 172, 190195 (See also Perfection vs. excellence) |
Excitement of online trading, 13, 14 |
Exercises/tools: |
anchors, 109, 110 |
breath focus and counting anchor, 113, 114 |
diaphragmatic breathing, 163, 164 |
good enough performance, 184, 185 |
journals, 110 |
mental scan, 164, 165 |
observing witness, 116, 117 |
self-statements (positive yielding), 166 |
self-talk, 9698 |
sitting quietly/closed eyes, 52 |
thought watching, 114116 |
trigger, 107, 108 |
visualize the chart, 111, 112 |
voice dialogue technique, 95, 96 |
yielding in midst of trading battle, 165, 166 |
Exit levels, 212215 |
Facing risks/taking chances, 188, 189 |
False beliefs, 186, 187 |
False pride, 80 |
Fantasies, 5052 |
Fast market, 151 |
Fear: |
admitting to, 67, 68 |
avoidances, and, 85 |
being found out, of, 180, 181 |
clarity of, 48 |
greed, and, 8589 |
inner voice, 9095 |
media, and, 55 |
neutralizing, 107112 |
panic thoughts, and, 48, 49 |
power of, 46 |
subtlety, 84 |
tempered, 89 |
trading errors, and, 61 |
Fed-heads, 151 |
Field independent, 124 |
Focus on job at hand, 147 |
Fraction traders, 119, 120 |
Friends, 144 |
Full-service brokers, 2, 3 |
Gambler-impulsive trading style, 3135, 134, 169 |
Game, The, 46 |