Meditation, 112117, 144, 163 (See also Exercises/tools) |
Memory, 142 |
Mental scan, 164, 165 |
Merrill-Lynch, 2 |
Message bulletin boards, 137, 138 |
Microsoft, 200 |
Mid-day (lunch) stage, 225 |
Millennium gold rush metaphor, 1, 2 |
Mind management, 156 |
Mind moves the market, 16, 17, 70 |
Moderated chat rooms, 137 |
Momentary impulse, 103 |
Momentum traders, 46, 222 |
Money, 7173, 241244, 247 |
Motley Fool, 138 |
Music, 144 |
Narcissistic injury, 246 |
National Association of Purchasing Managers' report, 228 |
Natural catastrophes, 150 |
Negative assertive mode, 155, 157 |
Negative self-talk, 98 |
Negative thinking, 49, 146 |
Negative yielding mode, 155, 158 |
Never enough thinking, 177180 |
News events, 150 |
Nokia, 205 |
Not-doing doing, 160 |
Observing witness, 116, 117 |
Obsessive-disciplined trading style, 2229, 134, 135, 169 |
1000-share lots, 124, 201 |
Online interaction, 137, 139 |
Online investors, 120 |
Online Trading Academy, 126, 127, 198 |
Opening of the market, 221223 |
Optimist-gullible trading style, 3740, 135, 158, 169 |
Orderliness, 109 |
Outer noise, 143145 |
Overconfidence, 82 |
Overreaction, 55 |
Overtrading, 36 |
Pairgain Technology, 62, 63 |
Panic mode, 54 |
Panic thoughts, 48, 49 |
Paper trading, 124 |
Partial positions, 104, 105 |
Past experiences, 79, 80 |
Past performance, 218 |
Pathological gambling, 36 |
Perception, 99, 100 |
Perceptual discrepancies, 150 |
Perfection vs. excellence, 168195 |
affirmations, 185, 186 |
appreciative mind, 189, 190 |
characteristics of perfectionist thinking, 170 |
characteristics of person striving for excellence, 171, 172 |
elements of online investing excellence, 190193 |
facing risks/taking chances, 188, 189 |
false beliefs, 186, 187 |
fear of being found out, 180, 181 |
good enough performance, 184, 185 |
Hendlin perfectionism inventory (HPI), 172177 |
less than perfect performance, 183, 184 |
never enough thinking, 177180 |
perfectionistic investor, defined, 169 |
satisfaction, 182184 tips/hints, 193195 |
''what have you done for me lately" mentality, 181, 182 |
Personal limits, 147 |
Personality style (see Trading styles) |
Pfizer Pharmaceutical, 6567 |
Physical exercise, 144 |
Pigs get slaughtered, 66 |
Pisani, Bob, 220 |
Plan, 147 |
Playing with scared money, 64 |
Position traders, 26, 120 |
Positive assertive mode, 155157, 160163 |
Positive yielding mode, 155, 157, 158 |
Present-centeredness, 58, 59, 113, 251, 252 |