Acquaintances, 144, 194 |
Addictive problems, 32, 33, 3537 |
Advanced immersion course, 127 |
Affirmations, 185, 186 |
After-hours market, 9 |
Alerts, 141 |
All-electronic market, 11 |
All-or-nothing thinking, 49, 146 |
Alternative trading systems, 11 |
Amateur hour, 223 |
American Express, 3 |
Analysis (too much), 61 |
Anchors, 109, 110 |
Applied Materials, 200 |
Appreciative mind, 189, 190 |
Approach-approach situation, 205 |
Assertive action, 89 |
Assertive mode, 152158, 167 |
Attachment, 244, 245 |
Author: |
CMGI, 199, 200 |
daily routine, 76, 77 |
Lucent Technologies, 242, 243 |
Monte Carlo night party, 243, 244 |
Nokia, 205 |
Pfizer, 65, 66 |
roller coaster ride, 51, 52 |
Seagate Technology, 206 |
trading game paradox, 75, 76 |
trading room, 57, 58 |
Zen, 233 |
Aversion, 85 |
Avoidance, 85 |
Axe, 150 |
Balanced trading/investing style, 43, 44 |
Basic stable of trading stocks, 200 |
Beginning of month, 230 |
Belief, 99 |
Bipolarities, 86 |
Block trades, 231 |
Bodhidharma, 232 |
Book references, 253 |
Boot camp, 127 |
Both/and thinking, 87 |
Breaking news, 141 |
Breaks, 5355, 144 |
Breathing, 113, 114, 163, 164 |
Briefing.com, 138 |
Browser-based system, 130 |
Bulletin boards, 137, 138 |
Capital gains, 206209 |
Cash position, 105 |
Catastrophes, 150 |
Catastrophic thinking, 49 |
Catching a falling knife, 56 |
Caution, 89 |
Chartists, 25 |
Chat rooms, 137 |
Cisco, 46, 200 |
Clear thinking, 74 |
Clearing stage, 221223 |
Clinging, 244 |
Closing stage, 226, 227 |
CMGI, 199, 206, 223 |
Cognitive dissonance, 63 |
Coke, 206, 208 |
Combination obsessive-disciplined/gambler-impulsive trading style, 29 |
Commissions, 24 |
Confirmation bias, 82 |
Consumer price index (CPI), 228 |
Control, 148 (See also Self-control) |
Counting meditation, 113, 114 |
Courses, 126, 127, 139, 198 |
CPI, 228 |
Cramer, James J., 28, 29, 102, 204 |
Craving, 244 |
Criticizing others, 194 |
CyBerCorp.com, 131 |
Cyclical events, 227231 |