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Page 47
Chapter 6
Is One Broker Better Than Another?
To get what you want, stop doing what isn't working.
The first online trade was arguably made almost 20 years ago by a Michigan physicist and inventor named Bill Porter. His foresight created the company which eventually became E*Trade.
As online trading developed, the promise was for lower transaction costs, more efficient pricing and faster executions. By and large that promise has not been delivered.
There are two reasons that the original model for online trading is not working: the "payment for order flow" broker and the "browser-based" trading systems.
Now, a new breed of online brokerthe direct access brokerhas emerged. Is this what we have all been waiting for? Will this make a difference to us as traders?
You bet it will. The most important decision you can make as you take advantage of the Sixth Market is to choose a direct access broker with a software-based trading system.

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