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Page 238
a beach in Hawaii and have close to the same advantage as the trader who is standing directly in the pitif you know what to look for.
I outfit my customers by showing them how the real professionals trade. For example, five years ago, real-time quotes via a computer system like CQG cost an arm and a leg. Now you can pick them up for a couple hundred dollars a month. And a "squawk box," which gives live audio quotes from the pit, was unheard of for the masses. The larger institutional and commercial traders were the only ones who could afford it, for it cost a few thousand dollars a month back then. Today, that same squawk box can be in every home for about $100 a month. It's an advantage every serious off-the-floor trader needs, yet few people know it's available or where to get it. And finally, on-line trading has come of age. Trades can be sent directly to the pit from your home computer, to a handheld modular unit, and trades can be filled in as little as three seconds.
Neal: Do you have any trading strategies that you use?
Mark: Absolutely. I'll show you a way to pinpoint your trading so you can use precision accuracy to make a trade. It works on all markets, even stocks. First of all, remember that the markets only have three directions: up, down, and sideways. Your job is to decide what trend the market is in at any given time. For example, the market will repeat the same signals over and over if it is an uptrend.
Here's a trading strategy for S&Ps. First, take a look at the last 10 trading ranges. Take all of those ranges and add them together; you should get something like 13,000 or 14,000. Then take that same number and divide by 10, you should get 1300 or 1400. However, to keep it simple, we will use 1000. Assuming that the daily range for the S&P is 1000, we already have a good idea where the support and resistance is and where we will make our first trade of the day. Let's also assume that the S&Ps are in an uptrend, as they are about 70% of the time. Using simple Fibonacci retracement, 33%, 50%, and 66%, which is the cor-

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