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On the home page, several news headlines related to major economies, monetary policy, currencies, bonds, derivatives, and other financial news are listed, along with an excerpt from the article. The full articles may be accessed by clicking on ''more," located after each excerpt. Current articles listed on this page discuss the dollar/yen exchange rates, the producer price index, and the U.S. Treasury market. By selecting the "Today's Top Stories" icon located at the top of the page, you can access what this Web site deems the day's important news stories both in order of release time or by category. For a trader to be able to access a site that has gone through the vast amount of news information available and been narrowed down to market-related articles is vital in today's rapidly moving markets. The Web site also provides the user with an archive database with past articles back to November 25, 1997.
Another feature provided by Economeister that can prove very helpful is the "Global Calendar."
Question 11: How many on-line services do you have?
Neal: I have two services, Prodigy and a local service provider. Also, the Exchange has a Web site at www.cme.com.
Question 12: Why two services? Don't you think that's overkill?
Neal: Actually, no. There's no telling what may happen if one service goes down. There is always a need for a backup. And as you know, you can't always trust one service to work all the time, especially when you need a quote immediately.
Question 13: What software packages do you like?
Neal: First, I like the ones that are user-friendly. Software packages that require you to take classes or learn a computer language are doing a disservice. Buying software and then paying the developer money to learn it is a waste of time.

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