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Page 143
candlestick formations. Figure 12.3 shows a Japanese candlestick chart for Dell for the same period as the line chart in Figure 12.2.
Figure 12.3
Japanese Candlestick Chart
Copyright 2000, TradeCast® Ltd.
You can see that these two charts have a similar shape to them but there is quite a bit more information on the candlestick chart. What is it telling us?
As you look at Figure 12.4, you can see eight important pieces of information about your selected stock for the chosen time period:
1. High for the period
2. Closing price
3. Opening price
4. Low for the period
5. Trading range for the period
6. Relationship of the close to the high
7. Relationship of the open to the low
8. Net change from open to close

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