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They also are prone to play fast and loose with the ethics of business as well as with the law. This type of personality is often found behind those who start illegal, fast-buck telemarketing scams, and various other kinds of questionable business practices, including accounting practices and income taxes.
Despite loving the pleasure that money can buy, there is often a disrespect or disdain for money itself. Cash may be crumpled into balls and stuffed in the pants or purse. It may be strewn around the house without regard to whether its resting place will be remembered.
Money is always being found that they didn't even know they had. For the more organized gambling type, rolls of bills may be stuffed into a money clip, which may be conspicuously shown off in public.
Security needs are not highly valued compared to immediate, impulsive satisfaction of desires. Untempered by some of the cautiousness of the obsessive or doubter types, the gambling type is the big spender who gets gratification out of showing off his or her ability to earn large amounts of money and then spending it lavishly.
Life is here and now for this type, the future too far away and too vague to be given much concern. You know: ''Here today, gone to Maui."
Not so surprisingly, planning for retirement is often neglected. Checking accounts tend to get overdrawn and bills may be placed aside and forgotten. How can paying a bill tomorrow bring anywhere near the same satisfaction as buying a new pair of fancy shoes right now? Credit card companies and casinos love this type, because charge cards and credit tend to get maxed to the limit.
Day Trader As Gambling Type
At least a measure of this trading type is the predominant style found in the day trading firms, as well as those who are day traders at home on their own. They like the anxious edge of urgency that goes with quick-paced trading. They feel stimulated by all the data coming at them on the computer monitors and by the thrill of making quick decisions based on limited analysis. To the degree that day trading is an intuitive, moment-to-moment crap shoot, the gambler-impulsive trader wants his or her money on the table.
Just as the dedicated crap shooter likes to have a bet down on every roll of the dice, the day trader loves jumping in and out of doz-

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