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Page 186
Perfection is impossible; I will be satisfied with excellence.
I am entitled to feel satisfaction without having to be the perfect investor.
I will allow myself to feel deeper levels of satisfaction and pleasure.
I will be open to and accept the feeling of being good enough.
I will not judge others harshly for failing to live up to my standards.
I will not make my self-worth depend on my performance.-
I will note and neutralize as quickly as possible all critical self-talk.
I will counter all critical self-talk with positive statements.
I am a unique human being of value; my value can never be taken away.
Since there is nobody in the world just like me, I need not compare myself to others to feel special.
I need not compare my trading record with others to feel good.
I am special simply because of my uniqueness.
No matter how much I enjoy the profits I make from trading, I will not make my self-worth dependent upon always making more.
Enjoying material comforts and possessions has nothing to do with my value as a human being.
I am not less just because I might have less; I am not more just because I might have more.
Momentary perfection comes as I settle into the present and accept myself as the best person I can be.
I will continue to grow toward wholeness in every way possible.
The pursuit of trading excellence will help me feel a sense of self-respect.
I vow to give my best and most conscious effort to everything I do.
When I fall short of good enough performance in trading, I will remember that I have still made my best effort.
I will not feel guilty in investing or anything else unless I know that I haven't made my best effort.

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