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if the thought originates from our unconscious mind, and our conscious mind experiences no resistance to the thought, then in all probability it is not an intuitive thought. If the intuitive thought is valid, then our conscious mind will often experience a certain amount of resistance to it. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to determine if an intuitive thought is valid:
1. Is the intuitive thought generating an uncomfortable feeling? Generally whenever you have a valid intuitive thought, it will generate a certain amount of discomfort. For example, your intuition tells you to cut your losses on a trade, but you resist and put off doing so because you don't want to own up to having made a mistake, and take a loss before hitting your stop loss point.
2. Are you experiencing any fear of what others will think? If the thought really derives from your intuition, it will generally arouse the attention of other people. Since most people are afraid of ridicule or rejection and have a desire to appear sensible and realistic, they will often ignore an intuitive thought, because it creates a certain amount of fear. As you begin to accept your intuitive thoughts as valid, this fear will usually diminish but not totally disappear.
3. Is your intuitive thought conforming to the generally accepted view? The list of scientists whose intuitive ideas were scorned and deemed impossible by their peers is extremely long. What intuition does best is to go beyond what is generally known and believed. Once again this will generate a certain amount of uncomfortable feeling, or fear.
4. Does your intuitive thought challenge a cherished belief? Many intuitive thoughts can be unsettling. This is because you often have a hard time dealing with the abolition of your old belief and the stabilization of the new belief.
5. Does the intuitive thought not meet all your standards of completeness? Many times a valid intuitive thought will not have all the correlated questions answered. The thought fails to meet all your logical requirements. For example, you wake up one morning with the thought that the coffee trade is in trouble, and that your long position should be removed on the open. Yet because you are unable to satisfy all the correlated questions that will justify the intuitive thought, you remain long, and watch as the market plummets!
6. Does the intuitive thought generate a certain amount of risk? Intuitive thoughts about trading often involve risk. Yet, as in the above example, the risk usually comes from failing to recognize

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